Empower Research

The key to any successful program or business, is intelligence born out of deep insights. Impulse Social Enterprises has access to the indepth research and documentation of the Impulse NGO Network, backed by its experience and expertise in the Northeast of India for over two decades now.

With exclusive rights to market the Impulse NGO Network knowledge bank, and its own team of researchers and analysts, ISE is the leading distributor of information on local people, culture, ethnography, as well as socioeconomic conditions and trends in the Northeast of India.

ISE also provides insights on business, social entrepreneurship, as well as specific characteristics and issues of the Northeast, to national and international organisations.

ISE has proven expertise and a track record of conducting and documenting primary research for the Impulse NGO Network as well as other organisations.

Our areas of expertise include primary data collection through surveys – dealing specifically with child rights, rural livelihood, community education, and health issues. We also do evaluation studies for non-government organisations and social enterprises.

Our research and reports help identify actionable steps, or relevant projects that an organisation can undertake to achieve specified goals. We also provide audits and research that determines the effectiveness of such steps and projects.

To know more about our research and reporting capabilities, please get in touch with us using the contact form here.